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Communication with Business Partners – Creating Positive Impact in Relationships!

Communication with business partners

Communication with business partners is an essential aspect of any business, and it’s crucial to ensure that all communication with business partners is effective, clear, and professional. This helps to build strong relationships and can lead to successful collaborations and partnerships. It’s important to remember that every interaction with a business partner represents your company, so it’s essential to be mindful of your words and actions.

This impact is known as the “emotional wake.” It is vital to understand that our words and actions can create negative emotional wake, leaving the other person feeling hurt, angry or upset. To take responsibility for our emotional wake, we need to understand the impact of our words and actions on others. This article will discuss how we can take responsibility for our emotional wake and ensure that it is positive.

Creating a Positive Emotional Wake: Taking Responsibility for Your Words and Actions

Creating a Positive Emotional Wake -Taking Responsibility for Your Words and Actions

As human beings, we are wired to communicate with one another. Every conversation we have has an impact, whether it is positive or negative. This impact is referred to as the “emotional wake.” The emotional wake is the feeling that the other person has after we say something to them.

Just like how boats create wakes in water, our words and actions create wakes in people’s emotions. If we are not careful, our emotional wake can be damaging, leaving the other person feeling hurt, angry or upset. Therefore, it is important to take responsibility for our emotional wake and ensure that it is positive.

The analogy of a boat creating a wake is an excellent way to understand emotional wake. When a boat travels through the water, it leaves a wake behind it. The size and shape of the wake depend on the speed of the boat and the conditions of the water. Similarly, our emotional wake depends on the words we use, the tone of our voice, and our body language. The impact of our emotional wake can last long after we have left the conversation.

Just as a boat owner is responsible for any damage caused by their boat’s wake, we are responsible for the impact of our emotional wake. If we leave a negative emotional wake behind us, we must take responsibility and make amends for the damage caused. However, it is better to take preventative measures and ensure that our emotional wake is positive in the first place.

Negative Emotional Wake

Negative emotional wake can be caused by various factors. One of the most common reasons is abrasive comments. Harsh or critical comments can hurt someone’s feelings and create a negative emotional wake. We must be careful with our words and try to avoid saying things that may be hurtful or insensitive.

Another reason for negative emotional wake is the absence of positive comments. Sometimes we focus on the negative aspects of a person or situation and forget to acknowledge the positive. Lack of appreciation can leave people feeling unappreciated and create a negative emotional wake.

Finally, uncertainty or being unappreciated can also lead to negative emotional wake. If someone is unsure of their place or their value, they may feel anxious or stressed, creating a negative emotional wake.

The Five Love Languages

To understand what others need, we can refer to the Five Love Languages, a concept introduced by Gary Chapman. The Five Love Languages are five ways that people give and receive love. Understanding these languages can help us communicate better and create positive emotional wake.

The first love language is Quality Time. Spending time with someone and giving them undivided attention is a powerful way to show that you care. When someone feels like they have your undivided attention, they feel valued, appreciated and loved.

The second love language is Words of Affirmation. Expressing love and appreciation through words is a powerful way to create a positive emotional wake. Compliments, praise and gratitude can go a long way in making someone feel valued and appreciated.

The third love language is Gifts. Giving someone a thoughtful gift shows that you care and are thinking about them. It doesn’t have to be an expensive gift; it can be as simple as a handwritten note or a small token of appreciation.

The fourth love language is Thoughtful Acts. Doing something thoughtful for someone, such as cooking them a meal or doing a chore for them, shows that you care and are willing to go the extra mile to make them happy.

The fifth love language is Physical Touch. Physical touch can be a powerful way to show love and affection. Holding hands, hugging or kissing can create a positive emotional wake and make someone feel loved and cared for.

It is important to take responsibility for our emotional wake. Our words and actions have an impact, and it is up to us to ensure

The Power of Daily Love Messages: Building Healthy Relationships

The Power of Daily Love Messages - Building Healthy Relationships

The importance of delivering love messages daily cannot be overstated. It is a simple act that can create certainty, variety, significance, and connection in our relationships. To achieve this, it is necessary to model the behavior we want to see in others. Asking ourselves, “What would love do?” and doing it is a good starting point. When people feel loved and supported, they tend to open up more and become more real with themselves.

It is important to note that negative emotional wake is expensive. In Stephen Covey’s book, “Speed of Trust,” he emphasizes the impact that negative emotions have on our relationships. Therefore, learning how to deliver our messages without any hidden agendas is crucial. The subtext we deliver can diminish trust and cause confusion. For instance, sarcasm, criticism, blame, threats, exaggeration, and questions like “why did you do that?” or “what were you thinking?” can all be considered as loads. We should be conscious of our body language and tone to ensure that we are not contributing to any negative emotional wake. While it is essential to avoid delivering the message with the load, we should not avoid delivering the message altogether.

In conversations, we can create an environment that facilitates learning and change. This can be achieved by metaphorically treating the conversation as a crucible. A crucible is an object that can hold molten metal under extreme heat. Similarly, we can hold our shape and our ideal state under pressure. We all create wakes, whether we feel emotional or not. Therefore, understanding our impact on others is critical to creating healthy relationships.

It is essential to recognize that relationships are dynamic, and our behaviors should adapt to the changes in our relationships. As such, it is crucial to be aware of what works and what doesn’t work in our relationships. In conclusion, delivering love messages daily can create a positive impact on our relationships. We should strive to model the behavior we want, deliver messages without any hidden agendas, and create an environment that facilitates learning and change. By doing so, we can build and maintain healthy relationships with those around us.

Mastering Effective Communication: Understanding Our Rights and Intentions

Mastering Effective Communication - Understanding Our Rights and Intentions

In today’s world, communication is essential, whether it be at home, work, or in social settings. But not all communication is equal, and it is important to consider our intent before we speak. Being present, truthful, and clear in our communication is key to effectively getting our message across without causing any unnecessary conflicts.
It is important to remember that we have certain rights when it comes to communication. Firstly, we have the right to get our needs met, or not to have our needs violated. This means that we have the right to express our desires and opinions without fear of judgment or negative consequences.

Secondly, we have the right to ask “dumb” questions. No one knows everything, and asking questions is how we learn and grow. It is important to feel comfortable asking questions, even if they seem obvious to others.

Thirdly, we have the right to confront issues that are troubling us. Avoiding issues only leads to more problems in the long run. It is important to address issues head-on, even if it may be uncomfortable in the moment.

Fourthly, we have the right to disagree. We all have our own opinions and perspectives, and it is okay to disagree with others. It is important to remember to express our disagreements respectfully and without hostility.

Lastly, we have the right to say yes or no. Saying “no” is not a problem; it is often the solution. However, how we say “no” can be a problem. It is important to aim past the conversation and towards our desired outcome. This can be compared to a chopping block; when cutting wood, we aim through the wood at the chopping block, not just at the wood itself. This makes it easier to chop effectively.

It is important to finish conversations and not exit after creating a negative wake. Instead, we should reverse the conversation, apologize, and go back to where we were to continue the conversation.

There may be times when lying seems necessary, but it is important to consider what love would do. Avoiding causing pain may justify a lie, but it is important to use this sparingly and with good intentions.

It is also important not to take the high road too often, as this may be a sign of our own personal issues. It is important to design our message and start with the idea and intent behind it. This ensures that our message is clear, effective, and achieves the desired outcome.

So, effective communication is crucial in today’s world, and it is important to consider our intent before speaking. Remembering our rights in communication, aiming past the conversation, and designing our message can all contribute to more effective communication and better outcomes.


In conclusion, it is our responsibility to take care of our emotional wake and ensure that it is positive. We need to understand that our words and actions have a profound impact on others, and we must be careful in how we communicate with them. We can use the concept of Five Love Languages to understand what others need and communicate better to create a positive emotional wake. By taking responsibility for our emotional wake, we can create healthy relationships and maintain them in the long run.


  • This article provides an overview of emotional intelligence and its importance in personal and professional relationships.
  • This article discusses five ways to improve emotional intelligence, including taking responsibility for our emotions and understanding others’ perspectives.
  • This article provides tips for effective communication, such as active listening and using “I” statements.
  • This article discusses the importance of listening in effective communication and provides ten steps for effective listening.

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